Shorr FACE Institute
Commisure (Corners of the Mouth) Lift


One of the more unusual and interesting procedures we perform is the commisure lift which raises the corners of the mouth. A mouth with drooping or downward turned corners can make the patient appear sad, tired, and older than they are. A commissure lift can correct this by removing a carefully measured triangle of skin and muscle from above each corner of the upper lip. The incision is made along the vermillion border (where the red lip meets the skin) so there is no visible scar. The muscle from each corner of the upper lip is tightened and the incisions are closed with fine sutures.

The commisure lift requires very little downtime and sutures are removed in about one week. Those who undergo the procedure are extremely pleased with the dramatic improvement and immediate results. If the corners of your mouth turn downward, you may be a candidate for a commisure lift. We invite you to schedule a consultation to help you explore this or other options for improving your overall facial appearance.


Before commisure lift surgery.
After: Corners of mouth are raised, excess skin is excised. Fat was injected to fill in deflation.
Before commisure lift surgery.
After commisure lift surgery. Fat transfer was also performed.
Who Should Perform Commisure Lift Surgery?

When choosing a surgeon to perform a commisure lift, look for a cosmetic and reconstructive facial surgeon who routinely performs the procedure and limits his practice to cosmetic and reconstructive facial surgeries. He will best know the anatomy of the face and be specially trained and skilled in aesthetics and ultra smooth closures for scar minimization. A cosmetic and reconstructive specialist will take extra time to address the minute aesthetic details for a natural, non-surgical result.

If the corners of your mouth turn downward, you may be a candidate for a commisure lift. We invite you to explore this or other options for improving your overall facial appearance.
Call us today for your personal consultation!


Scheduling a consultation is easy!

(310) 278-1839

or via email


We specialize in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the eyelids and face, as well as non-surgical cosmetic treatments and services. Our office is conveniently located in Beverly Hills near Los Angeles and bordered by Orange and Ventura Counties. Contact us today!



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